Thank You!

Take a look at past classes and the funds that were raised for previous equality/social justice organizations!

February 2023

$100.00 was donated to the NQAPIA because of YOU!

I love organizations that are geared towards more than one marginalized group.

This month’s class was in donation to an organization that benefits our Queer AAPI friends — and I couldn’t be happier with the generosity of those who participated!

$100.00 was donated to the LGBT National Help Center because of YOU!

It both warms and breaks my heart to see so many causes dedicated to helping the members of the LGBTQIA+ community — it breaks my heart that it’s needed, but warms my heart to know there are so many people who offer their help!

Teaching classes that are dedicated to helping these organizations reminds us that we can ALL help our fellow humans!

January 2023

$135.00 was donated to the National Domestic Violence Hotline because of YOU!

Amongst other things, October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. According to the website, the National Domestic Violence Hotline “has answered over 6 million contacts” which is absolutely heartbreaking.

Of course, the practitioners who showed up for this cause makes me burst with pride for the caring and philanthropic side of humanity.

If you need support, please call/chat/text “START” to 88788

October 2022

$108.00 was donated to RAINN because of YOU!

Moved beyond words (almost). That’s how I feel after watching this class join me on their mat to support an organization who provides both emotional and legal help to those who’s bodies were not respected by someone else.

This month’s heart-opening flow was so special, and I have nothing but gratitude for everyone who took time to get on their mats with me.

July 2022

June 2022

$108.00 was donated to the GSA Network because of YOU!

June celebrates 2 marginalized groups: Black Lives and LGBTQIA+. So finding the GSA Networking, who focus on empowering our LGBTQIA+ youth for racial and gender equality, was so exciting!

This month’s feel-good flow was so special and reminded us that change begins with us, and we can start by grounding ourselves and looking inward.

May 2022

$101.00 was donated to ADC because of YOU!

Much like the other organizations that we’ve supported through these classes, part of the mission statement for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee is to combat stereotypes and discrimination.

Marginalized groups in the US (and around the world) constantly face unearned stereotypes, and this certainly includes our American-Arab friends.

This month’s feel-good flow reminded us that letting go of preconceived notions of ourselves and others leads to openness and growth. Forever thankful and in awe of those who choose to join me each month

March 2022

$126.00 was donated to NARF because of YOU!

Absolutely inspirational. That is how I feel about everyone who participated in today’s class. This feel-good flow benefitted an organization dedicated to protecting Native American rights, resources, and lifeways through litigation, legal advocacy, and legal expertise.

Our Native American friends have long been disrespected, neglected, and treated as second class citizens. Their traditions and beliefs and been characterized by Halloween costumes, sports mascots, and other forms of appropriation. This class and donations were just a small way to show the regard that we hold for Indigenous Americans and the rights and respect they deserve.

That is not where the work stops, though. Just like with any marginalized group, we can continue to stand up and speak out when we see appropriation or disrespect happening in our everyday lives.

$135.00 was donated to the Anti-Racism and Intersectional Justice Fund of AAPI because of YOU!

What another amazing group of philanthropic yogis! Since the pandemic began, hate towards our AAPI friends has been at an all-time high, but we all know Asian hate did not begin in 2020. I was looking forward to this class to bring awareness that ALL people deserve to be treated with basic human decency, and that we should hold no space for racism.

We focused on opening our hips and hamstrings but, as always, my heart burst wide open with gratitude and appreciation. It’s humbling to see so many people will to give part of their Saturday towards an organization dedicated to making a difference.

February 2022

January 2022

$81.00 was donated to Facing History and Ourselves because of YOU!

Challenging the way we have always taught our young people is the only way we can grow as a society. By encouraging the dialogue to understanding prejudices that others face, and discussing how to effectively stand up to it, we will make the world a kinder place for all.

Every time I teach a class, I feel like I’m challenging the way I think about things as well. I cannot possibly thank the people who joined me for class today enough for supporting myself and another phenomenal organization.

December 2021

$109.00 was donated to PFLAG because of YOU!

Love is love is love. And everyone who attended this class showed up with SO much love for the LGBTQIA+ community!! It was such a beautiful class full of twists and binds and seeing everyone’s individual practice was awe-inspiring.

November 2021

$118.00 was donated to ACLU because of YOU!

Wow, what a great kickoff class! Everyone had such a beautiful practice and were patient with me as I taught my first class (outside of my yoga teacher training group!)

Gratitude doesn’t even begin to cover my feelings towards this group, but it’s a good place to start. The world can be a cold place, but because of people like you, I have faith that we can make it better.